They just keep on attacking away and the chocobo uses heal when it gets low on hp. To level them easily I always find a battle with a chocobo enemy and tend everyone's power down to wear my team and the enemy bird do almost no damage then set the AI to attack and set my phone down to forget about. My question is what is the most OP team possible to make? Like what jobs and characters and items? I am playing through again for the fun of it even though grinding up a team of dark knights can be a pain. They all have the weapons and armor from the poachers den equipped. All of my team has haste and the dark knights have dual wield. I have an account maxed out where I am using ramza as a dark knight with his squire abilities 2nd, 2 other dark knights, orlandeu as a sword saint and Balthier as a sky pirate. Same with the psp and now I play it on my phone. I got the original on the ps1 when it came out and dumped an insane amount of time into it. I've been obsessed with this game through out life.